Dear UroHacks 3.0 Registrants,
We, the Philippine Urological Association Mindanao Chapter, are having its 3rd online post-graduate course this coming July 9, 2022 entitled “Urology Practice Hacks 3.0” – Multidisciplinary Outlook in Urology. The course is designed for urologists and interested front liners.
The objectives of this postgraduate course are as follows:
To provide better pre/intra/post operative care to patients using drainage devices and avoid its preventable complications resulting to negative outcomes in patient care.
To enumerate the commonly encountered cases by a nephrologist that would need further treatment in avoiding the prolongation of disease and offer curative options, and solutions to avoid permanent damage to the kidneys.
To enumerate instances and cases encountered during OB Gyne practice that would require assistance in management and improve the well being of a patient.
To enumerate the commonly encountered pediatric cases that would need urologic care and provide an integrative management that will lessen the burden of disease to parents and patients.
To enumerate commonly encountered cases in family medicine practice and provide preventive management and importance of patient education during consult.
To enumerate commonly encountered cases by a Urology Nurse in outpatient and in patient facility and provide tips on how to do initial nursing assessment and management for common urological diseases.
To be able to identify and address the psychological troubles brought about by the pandemic among health care providers.
To be able to recognize and manage promptly the different malignant diseases involving the genito-urinary system.
To be able to provide appropriate and timely treatment options in children with genitourinary infections.
To present updates on the management of penile foreign bodies.
To render expectations regarding urologic procedures on a nursing point-of-view.
You may contact the undersigned at 09972036040 for any concerns. Looking forward to your unwavering support.